Snow White - script & instructions for puppets & performance notes, downloadable kit, KitNtale
Download pages to make into a script for a dramatization of the Grimm’s tale, Snow White, complete with staging instructions, for creating an enchanting finger puppet performance.
Then make a troupe of 11 delightful 2”- 2 ½” finger puppets to use to present the puppet show or other well-known fairy tales. Or, use them to enhance your nature table or seasonal display.
Only basic hand stitches are required to make these toys. You will probably have most of the materials that you will need to make the Snow White troupe already at home. You will need a selection of red, brown, blue, gold, green, and black felt on hand. You will also need eleven ½ " wood beads available at most craft stores.
There are 17 pages to this download.