Pebble the Gnome card to print
This is a Print-Your-Own card! Simply download the card and print it with your color printer. Use regular paper, photo paper or card stock, 8.5” x 11”, for finished cards that measure 4.25” x 5.5”.
This card of Pebble the Gnome is of an illustration from A Donsy of Gnomes which the author has brought to life with color.
On the back of the card is an excerpt from the book.
“Pebble is a busy gnome with a very important job. He polishes crystals that grow deep in the earth. He uses a very soft cloth to make them sparkle and shine.”
The inside is left blank for your own message.
Included are instructions with tips for printing your card, and even how to make your own envelope! Please read instructions before printing your cards.
This card can be used as: a greeting card, Holiday card, invitation, get well card, gift enclosure, birthday card and much more. Perhaps you can think of other uses for it.
For our friends overseas, until we have cards ready for your standard paper sizes, perhaps you could trim your paper to 110.4mm X 279.4 mm before printing.