Hurrah! The Guilds of Tir Na nÓg is back in stock!
Snow White - script & instructions for puppets & performance notes, downloadable kit, KitNtale
Special Set of Limindoor Books 2, 3, 4 & 5
Star Child's Birthday - story, gifts & celebration downloadable kit
Teaching with the Fables, a holistic approach
Teasel & Tweed Gnomes card to print
The Gnomes' Rosette - greeting card to print
The Gnomes' Rosette: Book 3 - The Tales of Limindoor Woods
The Good Gnome's GIVING GAME to print
The Guilds of Tir Na nÓg: A Collection of Celtic Dream Tales (for grown-ups)
The Queen Bee, a 1st Grade play in verse to print
The Seven Sleeps ~ A Donsy of Gnomes' Dream Adventures
The Way of Gnome - Book 1 - The Tales of Limindoor Woods
Tommy Tomten - storybook & instructions to make tumbling Tomten downloadable KitNtale
Tommy Tomten card to print
Tommy Tomten KitNTale + 2 Tumblers
Toute Petite - storybook & instructions for making fairy, downloadable KitNtale